ARA Filed Comments to EPA's Proposed Requirement for Picloram
May 17 2021
ARA filed comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s Registration Review proposed draft risk assessments for picloram opposing additional requirements that would be duplicative and burdensome for local ag businesses.
"ARA's members are committed to the proper stewardship of all crop protection chemicals," said ARA's Richard Gupton in the comments.
However, ARA strongly opposes the requirement that applicators notify property owners/operators in writing about picloram's persistence and restrictions on plant material and manure before applications of picloram to pastures."
In the comments, Gupton says that because a notification procedure is included in the invoicing/billing procedure post application, adding another step in the administrative process would be burdensome to local agricultural retailers and applicator partners, many of which are small businesses with limited resources.
Read more in the comments about this proposed draft risk assessment for picloram and what it means for ag retailers.