Browse the ARA Resource Library below to find helpful guides, safety tips, model contracts and other industry-relevant information to increase your company's competitive edge.
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Resource Library
Resources Overview
Research on Electric Vehicle's Economic Impact on Biofuels, Ag
As a member of the Transportation Fairness Alliance, ARA released a study that analyzes the impacts of increased electric vehicle penetration on U.S. biofuels, agriculture and the economy. Proposals to ban internal combustion engine vehicles by 2035 and 2050 served as the economic models for the study, along with a base case provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration's Annual Energy Outlook.
Find key findings of the research study HERE.
Read the full study below to learn how a gas car ban would have disproportionate impact on U.S. biofuels and agriculture.
ARA Model Fertilizer Contract
ARA's Model Fertilizer Contract, a resource created to help ag retailers to better manage risks, collect e-signatures, and outline consistent terms and conditions for dealing with fertilizer suppliers, was updated in February 2025 to address price volatility in fertilizer markets that may result from tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on imported fertilizer from certain countries.
This document is locked for editing without an ARA membership. If you would like to gain access to editing privileges to the Model Fertilizer Contract to customize the contract to meet the needs of your suppliers or customers, join ARA as a member today!
AN Guidance
These Safety and Security Guidelines for the Storage and Transportation of Fertilizer Grade Ammonium Nitrate (AN) at Fertilizer Retail and Distribution Facilities were developed by ARA, The Fertilizer Institute and ResponsibleAg.
ARA and The Fertilizer Institute recently updated the Fact Sheet: Safety and Security Precautions for Ammonium Nitrate for your reference.
Fertilizer Trade Rules
The ARA Fertilizer Contract Task Force developed the ARA Fertilizer Trade Rules for fertilizer industry professionals to use as the basis for their trading terms with others. The purpose of these voluntary trade rules is to facilitate the sale of fertilizer and improve trade practices in the industry. The ARA Board of Directors approved this document on Feb. 13, 2013. Learn More
Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC)
The SPCC program was developed by EPA and calls for farmers and retail facilities to have an oil spill prevention plan, or an SPCC Plan, in place by November 10, 2011. ARA has been working closely with EPA to help ensure that information regarding the SPCC rules is communicated to the agriculture industry. As a result of these efforts, ARA is the only organization that currently has permission from EPA to distribute reprints of the brochure with ARA’s logo and contact information listed on the back. EPA is also directing farmers and others in the industry to the ARA website to download the brochure.
ResponsibleAg Program Details
ResponsibleAg is an industry-led initiative committed to helping agribusinesses properly store and handle farm input supplies. The program helps members ensure they are compliant with environmental, health, safety and security regulations to keep employees, customers and our communities safe.
Security Vulnerability Assessment
The Agribusiness Security Working Group, as comprised of the Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA), CropLife America (CLA) and The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) in cooperation with Asmark Institute, has produced a Web-based tool which will assist agribusiness retailers in conducting a security vulnerability assessment on their retail facility and their transportation practices. This Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) is a tool to use to identify and assess potential security threats, risks and vulnerabilities.
The program meets the design criteria of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) for conducting security vulnerability assessments. By meeting CCPS design criteria, this SVA tool meets the same criteria required by federal agencies for other chemical industry facilities. As a result, retailers who use this program to assess facility and Hazmat transportation security can do so with confidence that their assessment is based on sound risk assessment principles.
The SVA tool is designed by the Asmark Institute, a member of ARA who has granted to ARA the license and use of the Web-based program. Contact Donnie Taylor at for log-in credentials.
Fee Structure:
Member of ARA, CLA or TFI, & State Association: $75
Member of ARA, CLA or TFI: $150
Member of State Association: $150
Not a member of any agribusiness/retailer organization: $300
*For multiple-facility companies (i.e. greater than 100 facilities), please call ARA at 202-457-0864 for a possible volume discount. The entire SVA should take approximately one (1) hour to complete.
Seed Treatment Guide for Applicators
The Guide to Seed Treatment Stewardship is available to applicators in both a written and visual format.
For Applicators:
- Comply with all regulations for registered pesticide products and ensure proper employee training.
- Establish written application protocols using best practices to ensure high quality seed treatment application to minimize dust-off.
- Adopt stewardship documentation for full life-cycle of seed treatment products.
- Properly discard of treatment, treated seed and rinse water to minimize environmental impact.
- Ensure that all required and pertinent seed treatment information is conveyed to customers through product labels and education.
Seed Treatment Guide for Farmers
The Guide to Seed Treatment Stewardship is available to farmers in both a written and visual format.
For Farmers
- Follow directions on treated seed container labeling for handling, storage, planting, and disposal practices.
- Use advanced seed flow lubricants that minimize dust.
- Eliminate flowering plants and weeds in and around the field prior to planting.
- At planting, be aware of honey bees and hives near the field, and communicate with beekeepers when possible.
- Completely remove all treated seed left in containers and equipment used to handle harvested grain, and dispose of it properly. Keep all treated seed out of the commodity grain channels.
Why Do Farmers Use Seed Treatments?
The use of seed treatment technologies, including neonicotinoid insecticide treatments, is an effective tool to provide the necessary protection of seeds for a strong, healthy start. It is essential that those who treat, handle, transport, and plant treated seed manage them properly and in accordance with the label instructions to minimize the risk of pesticide exposure to non-target organisms.