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Pro-Growth Economic Policies for Rural America

ARA knows that policies promoting free trade of ag products, equipment, & crop input materials (pesticides, fertilizers, seeds) will create opportunities for U.S. agribusinesses & farmers.

Federal tax policies can advance economic growth & repeal tax provisions that impose undue burdens while continued investment in biofuel research and the development of low-carbon emission technologies enable rural communities to grow economically. ARA sees a growing need for more specialized works in agribusinesses and rural communities to ensure they can thrive.

ARA's Position

  • Work with industry coalitions to continue promoting the development & use of all liquid fuels (oil, gas, biofuels, etc.) to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign sources of energy & related technologies
  • Work with USDA-Risk Management Agency (RMA) to modify prevented planting dates to lessen potential impacts on the ag retail sector, continue encouraging ARA members to contact local RMA offices to express concerns and provide pertinent data regarding impacts and urge USDA to continuously review planting dates to reflect advances in technologies
  • Oppose proposed cuts to the Renewable Fuel Standards to avoid devastating impact on ag, rural economies, and stifled investment in ethanol plants throughout the U.S.
  • Support efforts to establish uniform state fertilizer registration regulations and state tonnage reporting and fees
  • Support the establishment of uniform state fertilizer registration regulations and state tonnage reporting and fees
  • Support federal tax policies that promote economic growth and the repeal of tax provisions that impose undue burdens
  • Support the adoption of voluntary risk management tools (ex. ARA Model Fertilizer Contract, ResponsibleAg)
  • Work with DOJ and Congress to provide greater legal certainty on the cultivation, sale and use of cannabis (marijuana) given the growing conflict between federal and state laws
  • Support the addition of phosphate and potash to the U.S. Department of Interior’s critical minerals list
  • Support promulgation of sustainable aviation fuel tax credit (45Z) and other biofuels technologies


Each year, ARA membership decides a new set of policy issues the association will focus on with elected officials and key regulatory agencies in Washington, D.C. The established set of policy issues typically drive discussions during the annual ARA Legislative Fly-In. View the list of main policy priorities.


ARA-Funded Biofuel Research

ARA, as a member of the Transportation Fairness Alliance, released a study that analyzes the impacts of increased electric vehicle penetration on U.S. biofuels, agriculture and the economy. Proposals to ban internal combustion engine vehicles by 2035 and 2050 served as the economic models for the study, along with a base case provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Annual Energy Outlook.

The study found that overall, U.S. net farm income would decrease by up to $27 billion due to a proposed ban on gas cars.


DC Help Desk

ARA's DC Help Desk member service is a direct line to ag public policy experts. Send regulatory and legislative questions to the DC Help Desk for support. ARA members may also use this service to request help when scheduling a facility tour with their elected official in Congress.