Ag Labor & OSHA
The agricultural community is dependent on a sustainable workforce now more than ever.
ARA Position
- Support federal and state policies to ensure U.S. agribusinesses and farmers are considered “essential workers”
- Support maintaining the retailer exemption under OSHA Process Safety Management program because a PSM program in the ag retail industry would be overly burdensome and increase paperwork requirements with no safety improvement
- Work with OSHA on a common-sense implementation of its Regional Emphasis programs and be prepared to dispute inconsistent interpretations of the relevant standards
- Support and develop OSHA compliance mechanisms in conjunction with ResponsibleAg, in addition to OSHA policies that provide cooperative relationships with small employers (such as SHARP and VPP) that result in reduced hazards, violations and penalties
- Support reasonable efforts to increase safety for ammonium nitrate (AN) and anhydrous ammonia (NH3), which includes requesting OSHA update 1910.109(i) and 1910.111, while ensuring proper regulatory classification of all nitrogen-based products
- Work to improve the OSHA Alliance partnership to increase workplace awareness and decrease workplace risk
- Work with OSHA on potential future SDS requirements for blending fertilizers under GHS’s Hazardous Communications Standard
- Support a comprehensive immigration reform policy that provides for a usable ag guest worker program, a reliable verification system, secured borders, and the opportunity for current farm workers with the support of an employer sponsor to apply for legal status
- Support policies that expand and maintain the rural workforce talent pool and job training opportunities
- Oppose federal programs that disincentivize workforce engagement or participation
Each year, ARA membership decides a new set of policy issues the association will focus on with elected officials and key regulatory agencies in Washington, D.C. The established set of policy issues typically drive discussions during the annual ARA Legislative Fly-In. View the list of main policy priorities.
DC Help Desk
ARA's DC Help Desk member service is a direct line to ag public policy experts. Send regulatory and legislative questions to the DC Help Desk for support. ARA members may also use this service to request help when scheduling a facility tour with their elected official in Congress.