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ARA Signs Letter Endorsing the RETAIN GPS and Satellite Communications Act

Jun 22 2021

ARA and more than 80 undersigned organizations sent a letter to Senators strongly endorsing the Recognizing and Ensuring Taxpayer Access to Infrastructure Necessary for GPS and Satellite Communications Act, also known as the RETAIN GPS and Satellite Communications Act, which was introduced on June 22.

ARA supports this legislation because it would ensure that the costs incurred by the public sector, businesses, and consumers as a result of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) decision to permit Ligado Networks LLC to use spectrum in a way that interferes with GPS and satellite communications would be covered by Ligado.

Reliable GPS and satellite communications is necessary for farmers planting and harvesting crops, the transportation of goods on our highways, national security, and so much more.

Read the letter to learn more about how the RETAIN GPS and Satellite Communications Act will ensure the burden goes to the licensee benefiting from this decision instead of onto farmers, first responders and other crucial roles in the U.S. economy.