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Farm workers

ARA Signed Coalition Letter Urging House Leaders to Waive PAYGO Requirements

Mar 18, 2021

ARA signed coalition letter urging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to protect critical U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) mandatory programs from harmful cuts as Congress considers the USDA budget implications of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

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atrazine use

ARA Signed a Coalition Letter to Congress on Surface Transportation

Mar 17, 2021

ARA signed onto a coalition letter with more than 40 organizations to Congress with suggested ways to create a more environmentally responsible and economically viable freight transportation system. This will keep American agriculture competitive.

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Farm Land

ARA Signs Death Tax Repeal Act Support Letter to Congress

Mar 16, 2021

ARA signed a Tax Aggie letter to Congress supporting the Death Tax Repeal Act which would permanently repeal the estate tax. The letter also asks Congress for help to make sure that the benefits of repeal are not eroded by the elimination of or restrictions to the use of the stepped-up basis.

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Fertilizer Spraying

ARA Signed a Letter to New EPA Administrator Regan

Mar 11, 2021

ARA signed onto a letter sent by the American Alliance for Innovation (AAI) coalition to the recently confirmed administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The letter emphasizes the need for transparency and cooperation around the effective implementation of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

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Farm Journal Field Days

ARA Sent a Letter Supporting a USDA Grant Application on Cover Crop Seed

Mar 09, 2021

ARA sent a letter to the University of Missouri in support of a USDA-NIFA grant application on cover crop seed, "Catalyzing a Billion Cover Crop Seed Industry."

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planted crop rows with blue sky

ARA Signs Letter to Ag Secretary Vilsack on Increased R&D Investment

Mar 01, 2021

ARA signed a letter congratulating the recently confirmed Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack as well as emphasizing the importance of increased public investments in ag research and development programs.

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COVID-19 Response

ARA Sent a Letter to Congress Urging PPP Clarification for Farmers

Feb 18, 2021

ARA signed a letter to Congress urging them to clarify to SBA that Section 313 of The Economic Aid Act should allow farm and ranch operations structured as partnerships and LLCs to be eligible for vital economic assistance through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

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Photo of the state capitol building

ARA Sent a Letter to Congress Opposing the Raise the Wage Act of 2021

Feb 04, 2021

ARA signed a letter sent to Congress strongly opposing the Raise the Wage Act of 2021 because it would harm small businesses trying to survive the global pandemic.

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American Connection Project

ARA Signed Coalition Letter to President & Congressional Leaders on Rural Broadband Investment

Jan 28, 2021

ARA signed a coalition letter from the American Connection Project to President Biden and Congressional leaders urging they prioritize investment into rural broadband across America.

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Confirmation Hearing

ARA Signed a Letter to Senators Urging Confirmation of U.S. Trade Representative

Jan 26, 2021

ARA co-signed a letter sent to the Senate Committee on Finance urging a swift confirmation for Katherine Tai to serve as U.S. Trade Representative.

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