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Small agribusiness

ARA Signs Letter to Senators Opposing Amendment Harmful to Small Businesses

Jul 01, 2020

On July 1, ARA signed a letter to Senators urging them to oppose the Establishing Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements because it will impose burdens on small businesses.

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ARA Signed a Letter to Congress on Electric Vehicle Provisions in the House Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill

Jun 29, 2020

On June 29, ARA signed a letter to Congress on electric vehicle provisions in the House surface transportation reauthorization bill.

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CMV Driver

ARA Signs Coalition Letter to Congress Supporting an Amendment to the Moving Forward Act

Jun 29, 2020

ARA signed a coalition letter to Congress urging them to make in order an amendment to the Moving Forward Act that would prevent severe negative impact on truckers, farmers and manufacturers.

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Water Stream

ARA Signed a Letter to Congress Concerning Changes to the NPDES Permit Process

Jun 26, 2020

ARA signed a letter to Congress concerning changes to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit process.

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ARA Signed a Coalition Letter to Senate Finance Committee on CARES Act

Jun 22, 2020

ARA signed a coalition letter to Senate Finance Committee leaders encouraging them to maintain a CARES Act provision.

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Truck Transportation

ARA Signed a Letter to Congress Requesting Amendments to INVEST in America Act

Jun 17, 2020

On June 17, ARA signed a letter to Congress with a request to amend the INVEST in America Act because proposed language would duplicate efforts and add unnecessary requirements to a process that has worked safely for years.

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ARA Signs Coalition Letter to House Transportation Committee on INVEST In America Act

Jun 16, 2020

ARA signed a coalition letter to leaders of the House Committee on Transportation strongly supporting the inclusion of the DRIVE-Safe Act in the INVEST In America Act.

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ARA Dicamba Response

ARA & NCFC Sent a Letter to EPA on the Cancellation Order of Dicamba Labels

Jun 09, 2020

On June 9, ARA & National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC) sent a letter to EPA on the cancellation order of dicamba labels.

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ARA Dicamba Response

ARA Sent a Letter to EPA on Compliance with Stocks Order on Dicamba

Jun 09, 2020

ARA sent a follow-up letter to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler seeking clarification on compliance with its stocks order issued this week on dicamba.

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Growing Soy Bean Plants

ARA Sent a Letter to EPA on 9th Circuit Court Dicamba Decision

Jun 05, 2020

ARA sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the 9th Circuit Court decision to vacate the registration of three dicamba products.

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