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ARA Co-Signs Coalition Letter on Rail Labor Dispute

Sep 08, 2022

ARA and the undersigned organizations co-signed a letter with the Agricultural Transportation Working Group sent to members of Congress notifying them of the importance to act in the event rail carriers and rail labor cannot come to an agreement.

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ag labor

ARA Co-Signed Ag Workforce Coalition Letter to Congress Urging Reform

Aug 02, 2022

ARA co-signed an Agriculture Workforce Coalition letter to Senate leaders urging the passage of an agriculture workforce reform bill that provides the solution American ag needs to defend our national security through protecting our domestic agricultural production, and curtailing rising food costs for every consumer.

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ARA Co-Signs Coalition Comments to EPA Requesting Comment Extension

Jul 29, 2022

ARA, as part of the Coalition of Organophosphate (OP) Registrants, sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), requesting an extension of 120 days to comment on the petition filed by the United Farm Workers and others asking EPA to revoke all tolerances and cancel all registrations for 15 organophosphate pesticides.

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STB reform

ARA Co-Signs Coalition Letter to Congress Supporting Draft FRSFMA

Jul 26, 2022

ARA co-signed coalition letter as part of the Agricultural Transportation Working Group in support of the draft Freight Rail Shipping Fair Market Act (FRSFMA).

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Corn field, agronomist

ARA Signs Letter Opposing Main Street Tax Hikes

Jul 11, 2022

ARA joined the more than 190 trade associations in writing a letter to oppose the Senate's latest efforts to raise taxes on small and family-owned businesses.

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A one sided view of a dam with water and a vegetation around it

ARA Co-Signs Letter Supporting Ag Priorities for WRDA

Jun 24, 2022

ARA co-signed a letter to Congress as part of the Agricultural Transportation Working Group letter with agricultural priorities that should be included in the final Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).

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planted crop rows with blue sky

ARA Co-Signs Letter Supporting Plant Biostimulant Act

Jun 24, 2022

ARA joined other ag industry stakeholders in a letter to Congress encouraging them to include the Plant Biostimulant Act in the next farm bill.

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supply chain

ARA Co-Signed Letter to Senate Supporting FY23 Funding for Federal Maritime Commission

Jun 21, 2022

ARA co-signed a letter sent to the Senate Subcommittee on Transportation-HUD Appropriations in support of a high level of funding for the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) for fiscal year 2023.

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White House

ARA Co-Signed Letter to President Biden Urging a Withdrawal of New Pesticide Policy

May 23, 2022

ARA co-signed a letter sent to President Joe Biden urging he withdraw the brief establishing a new policy regarding the regulation and labeling of pesticide products, fully considering the implications it holds for global food security, environmental sustainability, and the future of science-based regulation.

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Freight Rail

ARA Signed a Rail Customer Coalition Letter to House Committee on STB Reauthorization

May 12, 2022

ARA signed a Rail Customer Coalition Letter sent to members of the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials for the record prior to a hearing.

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