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Farm Bill 101 for Ag Retail

Jun 26 2024

The Farm Bill stands as one of the most influential pieces of legislation for farmers and ranchers across the nation. Renewed every 5 years, the current bill has been delayed in reconstruction due to partisan disagreement. After being extended last November, it remains uncertain if the bill will be passed before its new deadline is up again despite strong industry support.

The Farm Bill provides an essential safety net for farmers going into the field each planting season. With increased costs of doing business, this legislation is crucial for our family farms and ag retail businesses to sustain production. 

ARA At Work

The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) has been working diligently with Congress to ensure they know the Farm Bill priorities for ag retailers. In March, ARA and its members met with 120 congressional offices in Washington, emphasizing the need for policies that preserve critical crop input supplies and precision agriculture, and other top priorities.

With the recent passage of a bipartisan Farm Bill out of the House Agriculture Committee, we were happy to see all our priorities included in the bill. Most of ARA’s priorities have also been included in the recent bill frameworks released by the Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman and Ranking Member. 

The Farm Bill Priorities for ARA Members

ARA and its members advocated for the Increased Technical Service Providers (TSP) Access Act of 2023 to be included in the Farm Bill because it will streamline a cumbersome path for ag retailers and certified crop advisers to achieve certification by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to more easily implement conservation and nutrient stewardship plans.

The Plant Biostimulant Act of 2023 was included in the Farm Bill drafts to bring more certainty for ag retailers by establishing a much-needed uniform definition for plant biostimulants and nutritional chemicals while amending the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to exclude plant biostimulants from being identified as pesticides.

ARA supports amendments to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and Clean Water Act to prohibit the EPA or a state from requiring a Pesticide General Permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System for discharging mosquito control and other pesticides because it results in no additional environmental protections beyond those already listed on the label. In fact, the requirement places a large regulatory burden on ag retailers, potentially leading to less usage of these important pest control products that bring economic and health benefits to the public.

These are just a few of the Farm Bill priorities established by ARA members seeking to shape policy decisions that protect, not harm, their freedom to operate in support of American farmers and ranchers.

What's Next?

While ARA notes the progress so far, we have a long road ahead to pass a Farm Bill in 2024. ARA is calling on you to reach out to your lawmakers in Congress to voice support for the release of a Farm Bill this year. 

Using ARA’s easy-to-use grassroots advocacy tool, you can send a message in just a few minutes that urges your House Representatives and Senators to pass a Farm Bill this year. 

“The tools ARA provides make it quick and easy for the GreenPoint Ag leadership and team members to make an impact,” says Toni Tyler, senior marketing manager at GreenPoint Ag.

“A few clicks and a few seconds of their time sent a very targeted message to the U.S. Senators that represents them. Our team members are industry advocates and have a commitment to the core value of helping our customers succeed. They want to provide their support.

“A short message to keep them updated on the status of the farm bill, sharing ARA’s email, and letting them know how to make an impact allowed them to do that.”

Click below to send a message to your House Representatives in just a few clicks.


Click below to send a message to your Senators in just a few clicks.


When we stand together as an industry and make our voice heard, legislators on Capitol Hill listen. Take action with ARA.