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News Release


ARA Joins in Glyphosate Litigation

Apr 21, 2020

ARA joined a nationwide coalition of agricultural and professional stakeholders in a motion to intervene in Rural Coalition et al. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency et al., which challenges EPA’s Interim Registration Review Decision on glyphosate.

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ARA Supports Navigable Waters Protection Rule's Publishing

Apr 21, 2020

ARA President and CEO Daren Coppock released the following statement today after EPA and the Army published the Navigable Waters Protection Rule to define “Waters of the United States” in the Federal Register.

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ARA Staff

ARA, CLA and TFI Announce Office Co-Location to Begin in 2021

Apr 14, 2020

ARA, CropLife America, and The Fertilizer Institute announced that the three organizations will co-locate to Arlington, Va., beginning in January 2021. Each organization will retain its focus on the needs of its respective members, but the move is expected to create greater opportunities for collaboration that can enhance each organization’s efficiency and effectiveness.

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ARA Commends Congress on CARES Act Passage

Mar 27, 2020

ARA commends Congress on CARES Act Passage amid COVID-19 pandemic.

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COVID-19 Response

ARA Working with Administration to Ensure Certainty, Business Continuity for Ag Retailers and Customers

Mar 19, 2020

ARA sent a letter to President Trump underscoring the priorities identified by its members to be addressed during the COVID-19 pandemic and related limitations on businesses.

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Agricultural Land

ARA Commends Administration on Improvements to Endangered Species Act Implementation

Mar 12, 2020

ARA commends Administration on improvements to Endangered Species Act implementation in a news release.

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Chairman Peterson with ARA leaders

Agricultural Retailers Association Honors Legislators for Ag Retail Industry Support

Feb 11, 2020

The Legislator of the Year award is an annual ARA tradition that serves to recognize one or more legislators who have championed issues that impact agricultural retailers and the entire agriculture industry.

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ARA Statement on China Phase 1 Trade

ARA Celebrates President Trump's Signing of USMCA Today

Jan 29, 2020

ARA celebrates President Trump for signing the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). ARA President and CEO Daren Coppock released the following statement.

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WOTUS_grazing near water

ARA Says New Navigable Waters Protection Rule Provides Clarity for Ag Retailers, Customers

Jan 23, 2020

ARA President and CEO Daren Coppock released the following statement in support of the Navigable Waters Protection Rule announced today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers.

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Capitol Building

ARA Applauds Final Passage of USMCA

Jan 16, 2020

The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) applauds today’s final passage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). ARA President and CEO Daren Coppock released the following statement in support of the agreement.

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