ARA Filed Comments Concerning EPA's Proposed Rule's Impact on Heavy Duty Vehicles
May 16 2022
ARA filed comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) raising concerns with the impact of EPA's proposed rule on "Control of Air Pollution from New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards."
ARA's comments address the impact on the cost of new heavy duty vehicles including purchase price, maintenance, and repair costs, as well as possible impact on the future use of biofuels as EPA continues to push for zero emission vehicles with a focus on electric vehicles.
While ARA supports efforts to improve the environment, any final proposed rule needs to prevent creating significant economic uncertainty among industries reliant on commercial trucks to move essential goods and provide critical services for American consumers, according to the comments. To be effective, any final rule must result in new trucks that are:
- Affordable - If trucking companies choose not to purchase new trucks due to cost or reliability concerns, older trucks will stay on the road longer and environmental goals will not be achieved;
- Durable - New, more expensive trucks are not purchased to sit in repair bays. Trucks are unproductive pieces of equipment unless they are moving freight;
- Safe - Safety is a top priority in every trucking operation. Putting off the purchase of the newest equipment will delay the use of the latest safety technologies; and
- Cleaner - An unworkable rule will delay fleet turnover and impede environmental progress. The long-term promotion of alternative, renewable fuels such as low-emission biofuels need to be part of any long-term solution to promoting cleaner air and healthier communities.
Comments submitted by ARA reference the report, "Economic Impacts to U.S. Biofuels, Agriculture, and the Economy from Subsidized Electric Vehicle Penetration."