ARA Sends Comment to EPA Docket on Paraquat Dichloride Registration Review
Dec 16 2019
ARA sends a comment to Environmental Protection Agency Docket Center on the registration review for paraquat dichloride. Paraquat dichloride is an important herbicide used to control problem weeds impacting many important crops such as alfalfa, almonds, asparagus, berries, corn, cotton, dry beans, dry peas, peanuts, sorghum, soybeans, and other crops. ARA supports efforts that will provide more information and warnings to draw more attention to the toxicity of paraquat and how to safely and securely store the product in order to help prevent accidental injury or death. ARA supports the continued access to paraquat without any of the proposed further mitigation measures. ARA believes any additional label changes and commercial applicator restrictions to this products to this product or other product labels should be uniform and consistent with any Restricted Use Pesticides Applicators regulations.