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ARA Sends Comment to EPA on Glyphosate Registration Review

Apr 30 2018

ARA sends a comment to the Office of Pesticide Programs of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the draft human and ecological risk assessments for glyphosate. On December 18, 2017, the released for public comment the draft risk assessments for glyphosate. EPA's draft assessment concludes that glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic to humans and found no other meaningful risks when the product is used according to the pesticide label. These findings are consistent with the conclusions of science reviews by many other countries as well as the 2017 National Institute of Health Agricultural Health Survey. Comprehensive toxicological and environmental fate studies conducted over the past 40 years have time and again demonstrated the strong safety profile of this important herbicide.

ARA believes that continued access to this important technology is essential. It is paramount that EPA make any decisions based on actual scientific, peer-reviewed data. A timely regulatory review of this important herbicide is essential in providing predictability to America's agricultural industry.