ARA Files Comments to EPA on Sulfoxaflor Registration Review Draft BE
Sep 17 2022
ARA files comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on sulfoxaflor registration review draft biological evaluation (BE) to raise concerns regarding the Tier 1 AgDRIFT model and its assumptions being used to assess the risk of drift from aerial applications.
"Agricultural retailers work closely with their farmer customers to address the problems of insect management while taking the appropriate steps to protect the environment and assure a safe, affordable food supply," says ARA's Richard Gupton in comments filed.
ARA recommends using the Tier 3 model instead with the assumptions described in the National Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA) letter sent to the EPA in June of 2020.
In the comments, ARA also expresses strong support for the downwind buffer zone of 30 feet and encourages EPA to ensure any final label restrictions do not overly limit the use of sulfoxaflor that negatively impact the nation's ag industry.
Read more in the comments.