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ARA Co-Signs Farm Bill Budget Letter to Congress

Mar 14, 2023

ARA co-signed a Farm Bill budget letter to Congress requesting Senate and House Ag Committee budgetary resources.

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Crop protection

ARA Co-Signs Letter to Congress Rejecting Legislation Upending FIFRA

Mar 13, 2023

ARA co-signs a letter to Congress opposing S. 269 because it would repeal decades of federal regulation and scientific progress, undermining the work of the EPA's science-based evaluation of pesticide safety and oversight of pesticide registration use.

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Seasonal ag CDL reform

ARA Co-Signs Coalition Letter Supporting the SHIP IT Act

Mar 08, 2023

ARA co-signed an Ag Transportation Working Group letter to Congress in support of the bipartisan SHIP IT Act sponsored by Representatives Johnson, R-S.D., and Costa, D-Calif.

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Sprayer crop protection

ARA Co-Signs Letter to Appropriators on Pesticide Regulatory System Funding

Mar 08, 2023

ARA co-signed a letter sent to House and Senate Appropriations Committee members related to funding requests to ensure our nation’s pesticide regulatory system is effective, efficient, and produces decisions based in sound science.

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Plant Biostimulant Act

ARA Co-Signs Letter Supporting Plant Biostimulant Act of 2023

Mar 06, 2023

ARA co-signed a letter with more than 10 industry associations to express strong support for the Plant Biostimulant Act of 2023.

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ARA Co-Signs Coalition Letter on Multi-Year CFATS Reauthorization

Mar 03, 2023

ARA co-signed a coalition letter urging Congress to pass a multi-year CFATS reauthorization.

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WOTUS_grazing near water

ARA Co-Signs Coalition Letter Urging Congress to Overturn WOTUS

Feb 27, 2023

ARA co-signed a coalition letter sent to members of Congress voicing support for using the Congressional Review Act resolutions of disapproval of the EPA and the Corps 2023 revised Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulation.

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Crop protection

ARA Co-Signed Pesticide Preemption Coalition Letter

Feb 24, 2023

ARA co-signed a Pesticide Preemption Coalition letter sent to House and Senate Ag Committee leaders to express strong support for including in the 2023 Farm Bill reauthorization language under FIFRA that codifies state oversight of pesticides at the state level.

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ARA Co-Signs Letters on Crop Insurance Protection

Jan 30, 2023

ARA co-signed coalition letters sent to the Congressional Committees for Appropriations and Budget as well as to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and OMB Director urging them to prevent cuts to crop insurance.

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Photo of U.S. Capitol with trees at the bottom of the photo

ARA Co-Signed Coalition Letter Supporting Tax Reform for Small Businesses

Jan 09, 2023

ARA co-signed a coalition letter sent to Representatives in Congress voicing strong support for the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act.

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