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atrazine use

ARA Joins Rail Customer Coalition Letter to STB on Increasing Rail Competition

Jul 28, 2021

ARA joined the Rail Customer Coalition calling on the Surface Transportation Board (STB) to adopt the pro-competitive rail policies highlighted in President Biden's Executive Order for further competition in the rail industry.

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ARA Co-Signed a Letter to the Senate Ag Committee Supporting USDA Nomination

Jul 21, 2021

ARA and the undersigned organizations sent a letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry to express support for the nomination of Robert Bonnie to serve as the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation.

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STB reform

ARA Co-Signed Ag Transportation Working Group Letter to Surface Transportation Board

Jul 20, 2021

ARA co-signed an Agricultural Transportation Working Group letter urging the Surface Transportation Board to adopt the initiatives that President Biden's Executive Order identifies to enhance rail competition and prevent railroads from abusing their market dominance.

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Blue Semi Truck hauling a load down a road

ARA Co-Signed Letters to Congress Opposing Minimum Liability Insurance Increases in Infrastructure Package

Jul 20, 2021

ARA co-signed letters sent to leaders in the U.S. Senate in opposition to any increase in motor carrier's minimum liability insurance requirements in the bipartisan infrastructure package.

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ARA Co-Signed Letter Supporting USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs

Jul 14, 2021

ARA and the undersigned organizations co-signed a letter sent to the U.S. Senate Committee of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee expressing support for the nomination of Jenny Lester Moffitt to serve as Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

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Commercial Driving

ARA Led Coalition Letter Supporting Farm-Related Restricted CDL Reform

Jun 29, 2021

ARA led a coalition letter to the U.S. House of Representatives in support of the Farm-Related Restricted CDL program reform amendment sponsored by Representatives Troy Balderson, R-Ohio, and Angie Craig, D-Minn., to the "INVEST in America Act."

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Secure GPS and Satellite Communications

ARA Signs Letter Supporting RETAIN GPS and Satellite Communications Act

Jun 29, 2021

ARA and the undersigned organizations commend Congress for providing relief to critical stakeholders impacted by the FCC's Ligado order that interfered with essential GPS and satellite communications used by farmers, truck drivers, first responders, and others.

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Farm workers

ARA Signed Letter to Congress in Support of Main Street Businesses

Jun 22, 2021

ARA and the undersigned organizations sent a letter to Congress Committee members to voice strong opposition to any reductions or repeal of the 20 percent deduction for qualified business income under Section 199A, an essential part of the Tax Code.

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Broadband Communication

ARA Signs Letter Endorsing the RETAIN GPS and Satellite Communications Act

Jun 22, 2021

ARA co-signed a letter with more than 80 other organizations strongly endorsing the RETAIN GPS and Satellite Communications Act because it shifts the cost burden from farmers, first responders and others to the Ligado company, which benefits from the FCC's decision to permit the company's spectrum to interfere with GPS and satellite communications.

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Red Commercial semi truck driving down a rural paved road

ARA Signed Working Group Letter to Congress on Modernizing HOS Rules

Jun 15, 2021

ARA signed a letter to leaders of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation as part of the Agricultural Transportation Working Group. This amendment makes three important incremental changes to the agricultural exemption to the HOS rules that ARA supports because it will accommodate seasonal spikes in transportation of food, fiber and other ag supplies, according to the Working Group letter. 

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