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ARA Signs Letter to President Trump on Infrastructure Investment

May 01, 2020

ARA signed on to a letter sent to President Trump supporting increased federal infrastructure investment as a top priority in upcoming months.

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ARA Signs Coalition Letter to Congress on PPP, EIDL Program Eligibility

Apr 27, 2020

ARA signed a coalition letter to Congress with suggested changes to make for agriculture to fully participate in the SBA relief programs.

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ARA Signs Letter to Vice President on COVID-19 Testing

Apr 23, 2020

ARA signed a letter to Vice President Mike Pence requesting the federal government to provide COVID-19 testing resources to employers deemed essential as more testing becomes available.

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Rice Plains

ARA Signed a Letter to USFWS Southeast on Genetically Engineered Crops Use

Apr 19, 2020

ARA signed a letter with comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region on the use of genetically engineered crops on National Wildlife Refuges.

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Commercial Driving

ARA Signed a Letter to AAMVA on Nationwide State HME Extensions

Apr 13, 2020

ARA signed a letter to American Association of Motor Vehicle Administration (AAMVA) on the need for nationwide state hazardous material endorsement extensions.

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Blue Tractor

ARA Signed a Letter to President Trump on Critical Infrastructure

Apr 10, 2020

ARA signed a letter to President Trump asking for tax relief America's essential critical industry employees.

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Empty Tractor on Fields

ARA Signed a Letter to Agriculture Secretary Perdue on How Industry Can Recover

Apr 08, 2020

ARA signed a letter sent to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue outlining the impacts the COVID-19 pandemic is taking on the agriculture industry and what steps can be taken to recover.

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Commercial Driving

ARA Signed Two Letters to Congress & Governors on Essential CDL Services

Apr 07, 2020

ARA co-signed two letters to Congress & Governors Cuomo and Hogan requesting clarification that CDL schools as "essential."

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Cargo Ship

ARA Signed a Letter to USDA and NEC on Trade & Transportation

Apr 03, 2020

ARA signed a letter to Agriculture Secretary Perdue and NEC's Larry Kudlow requesting them to ensure the continued free movement via shipping containers to international markets of critical food and agricultural products.

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ARA Signed a Coalition Letter to SBA on Disaster Loan Eligibility

Apr 01, 2020

ARA signed a coalition letter to the U.S. Small Business Administration on the eligibility for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program.

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