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Disaster relief funding

ARA Co-Signs Letter to House Ag Committee Chair on Disaster Funding

Sep 01, 2021

ARA co-signed a coalition letter to the chairman of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee David Scott on federal crop insurance.

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COVID-19 Response

ARA Signs Open Letter to Member Companies

Aug 31, 2021

As leaders of agricultural organizations, we are speaking up to support vaccination efforts in
our rural communities and in all communities nationwide. To enable informed choices, it is critical that
accurate information be heeded -- and there has been no shortage of scientific data that supports the
effectiveness and necessity of the COVID-19 vaccines.

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Broadband infrastructure

ARA Signed Ag Transportation Working Group Letter Urging the House to Pass Infrastructure Legislation

Aug 23, 2021

ARA co-signed a letter sent by the Agricultural Transportation Working Group urging members of the U.S. House of Representatives to swiftly pass the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act so that it can be delivered to President Biden for his signature.

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Broadband infrastructure

ARA Co-Signed an Ag Transportation Working Group Letter Supporting Infrastructure Legislation

Aug 06, 2021

ARA co-signed a letter sent by the Agricultural Transportation Working Group to Senate leadership urging strong support for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

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ARA Sent Letters Opposing Tariffs on Imported Fertilizers

Aug 06, 2021

In accordance with ARA's long standing policy position favoring free and unfettered trade in both imports and exports of agricultural products, ARA sent two letters to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce opposing a petition requesting the initiation of countervailing duty investigations into imports of urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) solutions from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

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Tech Hub LIVE

ARA Co-Signs Letter to Congress Urging Investment in Climate-Smart Ag Practices

Aug 05, 2021

As Congress continues developing infrastructure legislation, ARA co-signed a letter to leadership encouraging increased investment in climate-smart agricultural practices on the working lands managed by producers.

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ARA Joins 80+ Organizations Urging Senators to Support the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act

Aug 03, 2021

ARA signed a letter of support for the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act along with more than 80 other organizations because this legislation will provide meaningful economic and quality of life enhancements to communities across the country.

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ARA Co-Signs Ag Transportation Letter of Support for STB Nominee

Aug 03, 2021

ARA and the undersigned agricultural organizations in the Agricultural Transportation Working Group write to express strong support for Karen Hedlund’s nomination to serve as a Board Member of the Surface Transportation Board (STB).

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ARA Signs Rail Customer Coalition Letter on Executive Order Promoting Competition

Jul 29, 2021

ARA co-signed a Rail Customer Coalition letter to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) on the Executive Order promoting rail competition.

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Outdated Transportation

ARA Co-Signs Letter Opposing Delay to NEPA Reforms that Speed Up Infrastructure Development

Jul 28, 2021

ARA co-signed a letter in opposition to a two-year delay of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reforms being implemented by federal agencies.

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